
Reframe your Export Game

Gaby M. Rojas

Celebrate Manufacturing Month by registering for “Reframe Your Export Game,” a complimentary webinar to help you expand your international sales.

You’ll connect with several federal export resources, including the U.S. Commercial Service, that can help you navigate all phases of exporting, including:

  • Identifying new opportunities,
  • Optimizing your website for foreign markets,
  • Obtaining grants for export expansion,
  • Protecting your sale against non-payment, and
  • Financing your export transaction.

You’ll also hear from manufacturers who are successful exporters and learn how they are using video marketing strategies to promote their products.

Visit us on the web to learn more about Manufacturing Month and the National Association of Manufacturers’ initiative to capture video testimonials about exporting.

 Partners Include
Small Business AdministrationEXIM Export Import Bank of the United StatesUnited States Census Bureau
Minority Business Development Agency Business CenterNational Association of ManufacturersMEP National Network




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