
How to Leverage Storytelling in Digital Marketing to Drive Growth for Diverse-Owned Businesses

Tanya Isley
Graphic of hand jp;domg a tablet with storytelling superimposed on it

Are you ready to take your digital marketing game to the next level? If so, we’re about to dive into the magical world of storytelling—and trust me, it’s not just for bedtime anymore.

Once Upon a Time… (aka Why Storytelling Matters)

Let’s kick things off with a mind-blowing stat: your story can increase conversion rates by  30 percent, according to Search Engine Watch. That’s right. Almost one-third of your potential customers could be swayed by a good tale!

But here’s the kicker for diverse-owned businesses: your story isn’t just interesting, it’s powerful. A report by Deloitte found that 57 percent of consumers are more loyal to brands that commit to addressing social inequities in their actions. Your journey, your challenges, your triumphs—they’re not just parts of your history, they’re your secret weapon in the digital marketing arena.

Storytelling: The Swiss Army Knife of Digital Marketing

Now, let’s break down how you can weave your story into every nook and cranny of your digital marketing efforts. It’s like adding a dash of your secret sauce to every dish – it just makes everything better!

1. Social Media: Your Daily Storytelling Playground

Social media isn’t just for posting cute cat videos (though we all love those). It’s your chance to tell your story in bite-sized chunks. Here’s how:

  • Use Instagram Stories to give behind-the-scenes peeks at your business. People love feeling like they’re getting the inside scoop!
  • Create a series of Twitter posts that unfold your founding story over time. It’s like a mini-series, but way shorter and without the dramatic music.
  • Share employee spotlights on LinkedIn. Your team is part of your story too!

Pro tip: According to Sprout Social, 70 percent of people feel more connected to a brand if the CEO is active on social. Also, 72 percent of people report feeling the same when employees share information about a brand online. So don’t be shy—get out there and show your face!

2. Blogging: Your Long-Form Storytelling Haven

Your blog is where you can really let your storytelling flag fly. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Write about the ‘why’ behind your business. What drove you to start this journey?
  • Share customer success stories. Let your clients do the talking for you!
  • Discuss challenges you’ve faced as a diverse business owner and how you’ve overcome them.

Remember, authenticity is key here. A study by Stackla found that 86 percent of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support. So, keep it real, folks!

3. Video Marketing: Bringing Your Story to Life

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth… well, a lot more! Here’s how to use video to tell your story:

  • Create a brand story video for your website’s homepage. Make it short, sweet, and packed with personality.
  • Use YouTube to create a series of videos showcasing your product development process.
  • Go live on Facebook or Instagram to answer customer questions and share impromptu stories.

Here’s a juicy stat for you: Wyzowl reports that 82 percent of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. Lights, camera, action!

Putting It All Together: Your Digital Storytelling Strategy

Now that we’ve covered the ‘where’ and ‘how’ of digital storytelling, let’s talk strategy. Here’s your game plan:

  1. Define Your Core Story: What’s the heart of your brand’s journey? This is your guiding light for all storytelling efforts.
  2. Map Out Your Channels: Where does your audience hang out online? That’s where your stories need to be.
  3. Create a Content Calendar: Plan your stories across different platforms. Consistency is key, folks!
  4. Engage, Engage, Engage: Storytelling isn’t a monologue. Encourage your audience to share their stories too.
  5. Measure and Adapt: Keep an eye on what resonates with your audience. Double down on what works, and don’t be afraid to try new approaches.

Your story is a powerful tool, but where are you telling it? Let us know which platform you use the most to share your brand’s story and see how your fellow diverse business owners are sharing theirs!

Take the Poll

What digital platform do you use most for brand storytelling?

The Happily Ever After (aka The Bottom Line)

Here’s the deal: as a diverse-owned business, your story is your superpower. By weaving it into your digital marketing efforts, you’re not just selling a product or service—you’re inviting customers into your world, your vision, your purpose.

And let me tell you, purpose sells. A study by Zeno Group found that consumers are 4 to 6 times more likely to purchase from, trust, champion, and defend companies with a strong purpose. So go ahead, tell your story loud and proud across the digital landscape. Your audience is waiting, and they’re ready to listen.

Remember, every great business story starts with “Once upon a time…” and ends with “…and their customer base lived happily ever after.” Now go out there and start storytelling!




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