
Participating in Video Calls When Traveling

Scott Wilson

Even though video conferences can help companies shave 30 percent off their travel expenses (PGI), business trips remain a great opportunity to break routine, while still putting your best foot forward professionally. 

From the fresh surroundings, to interacting with industry mates, or making deals happen, there can be lots of enthusiasm attached to packing a suitcase and getting to work. However, none of this means you’re off the hook from your usual day-to-day commitments. Chances are, you will still be expected to participate in certain virtual meetings with coworkers and clients. 

If this sounds like you, here are some tips on how to participate in virtual meetings from the road. 

SEEK IMMACULATE INTERNET CONNECTIVITY. Business trip video calls can happen from airports, taxis, hotel rooms, restaurants, conference halls, and other more random spots. No matter where you choose to participate in such a meeting from, always see that your internet connection is strong. 

SELECT A PROPER BACKGROUND. Since your neat, well-crafted meeting background can’t be boxed up and brought on the road, have a wide selection of virtual backdrops at the ready. Otherwise, you’ll have to expose others to the often-tacky hotel room artwork. 

SCHEDULE YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. Business trips can pull you in several directions at once. As such, always give yourself enough wiggle room to get from an in-person seminar or meeting, back to a space where a video call can be conducted. Piling one commitment on top of another can derail your day if something, or someone, runs late. 

FOCUS ON THE CONVERSATION AT HAND. Depending on the nature of your business trip, you can be meeting with a multitude of people each day. However, when you log into a scheduled virtual meeting, it is imperative that you shift all of your focus to this conversation. Put aside the thoughts and mountain of paperwork you’ve compiled while on the trip, and be in the moment with the person/people joining you on the screen. 

KEEP AN EYE ON TIME ZONE DIFFERENCES. Flying out for business events in different regions, coun­tries, or even continents is very exciting. So exciting, in fact, you may forget that your clock is no longer the same. The moment your destination is reached, see that all watches or mobile devices you have are set to the correct time. Then, check if video calls organized back home need to be rescheduled. You do not want to accidentally call someone at 3 a.m. their time. Doing a video call from the road is tricky, as it is tough to determine exactly how you will be able to make them happen—there are many unknowns. That said, you can still successfully log on to an online meeting platform and fulfill your obligations. All you need to do is be prepared. 




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