
Top Latina Speaker Gaby Natale Keynotes JPMorgan Chase’s Leadership Day

Gaby M. Rojas
Keynote Speaker Gaby Natale at JP Morgan Chase's Leadership day
Picture Credit: Lucy Kennedy

Triple Daytime Emmy-winning journalist, bestselling author and speaker Gaby Natale joined forces with JPMorgan Chase to keynote the company’s seventh annual Leadership Day in Times Square, New York. In front of an audience of 1,400 in-person attendees and more than 20,000 who joined virtually around the globe, Natale’s message encouraged people from all walks of life to pioneer energized JPMorgan Chase’s workforce by encouraging them to embrace their uniqueness, break barriers and redefine what is possible.

During the 2022 edition of JPMorgan Chase’s flagship leadership day, Natale joined Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase Jamie Dimon and activist, Head of Women on the Move at JPMorgan Chase Sam Saperstein, and former NFL player Wade Davis, to address issues affecting women today, including career growth, racial equity, financial health, and sustainability.

“Every time we choose to pioneer, we move the world forward! I am thrilled that JPMorgan Chase chose me to help them drive these much-needed conversations about leadership, diversity and belonging front and center in this global stage,” says Natale.

Past speakers at JPMorgan Chase’s leadership event include TV host and entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and actress and entrepreneur Gwyneth Paltrow.

The Women on the Move Leadership Day started as an internal, company-wide program to empower the firm’s female employees to grow their careers. In 2018, JPMorgan Chase expanded the program to include female clients, customers, and the communities they serve.




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