Scaling Your Business for Sustainable Growth
Scaling a business is more than just increasing sales or hiring more employees. It’s about creating a foundation that allows for growth without collapsing under pressure. According to Tony DiSilvestro in The Business Scaling Blueprint: Building a Foundation to Grow Your Brand, true scaling is a strategic and systematic approach that ensures longevity, efficiency, and profitability.…
What You Need to Build Your Startup
The COVID-19 pandemic inspired many would-be entrepreneurs to take the leap into starting their own small businesses. The flexibility of being one’s own boss is certainly an exciting prospect, but it is essential to understand the risks that also come along with forming a startup. Studies have shown that about 90 percent of startups fail,…
Networking in Minority Businesses: What You Need to Know
It’s no secret that the COVD-19 pandemic has severely impacted the business sector. However, businesses owned by minorities may find it more difficult to work their way towards recovery. A US Chamber of Commerce post on the pandemic’s effect on minority-owned businesses highlights how there’s a larger concentration of minority-owned businesses in industries that are more vulnerable…
Growing Your Business After Emerging from Disruption
Five tips for small businesses to improve or keep their momentum in 2021. The pandemic made 2020 a difficult year for many small businesses, as many permanently closed. But other small companies had success despite the surge in outbreaks and are hoping to build on those achievements in 2021. How can they keep their momentum…
Increase Connections with Minority Professionals Using LinkedIn “Sales Navigator” Strategies
LinkedIn’s “Sales Navigator” platform is by far the most useful tool that every entrepreneur should be using. How am I inclined to make such a bold statement? I have used this platform to make countless connections for my clients and have used it to advance my career as well. Our economy is progressively shifting from…