Digital publishing provides additional income stream during pandemic.
Without question, we’re living in the land of uncertainty with a global pandemic at play but equally we’re living in the land of unprecedented opportunity—perhaps the most lucrative in modern history. Due to the mass re-shifting of economic landscapes, entrepreneurship continues to skyrocket at an unprecedented rate.
Quite frankly, there is no shortage of opportunity and advancement. The biggest threat to our wealth emancipation is exposure to the right information. Unfortunately, in many of our households growing up, we didn’t have the luxury of conversations around finances, multiple income streams, and wealth building. Rarely, did we see success modeled before us.
Ty Cohen knows all too well of a narrative that was played out growing up in one of the most atrocious housing projects and highest crime ridden cities in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Statistically, the odds of drug infestation, gang violence, abject poverty, and common societal ills were against him. Adding insult to injury, he lost his father to complications from a gun assault, his sister to sickle cell anemia, and he faced his own daily battles from the same degenerative disease. Cohen decided to reject the fate that was assigned to his destiny by rewriting a new narrative.
Today, he has taken his life from sinking in the projects to serving individuals around the planet. He has worked with thousands of people over the past decade to create millions of dollars in sales through digital publishing.
Why digital publishing? Because we are no longer competing with someone in our neighborhood, town, or city. Through Amazon publishing, the marketplace is global. He’s created a proven formula for success that has literally leveled the playing field for those who want to create additional income streams and, more importantly, passive (residual) income streams.
“Passive income is being able to wake up and seeing that you’ve made money overnight and continue to get paid over and over again for the same effort.” –Ty Cohen
This process is beautiful. No longer can we sit back and talk about what the economy is doing—this is the era to create your own economy. No longer is it about waiting for an invitation to someone’s table—eat at your own table.
Ty breaks down three (3) simple strategies to cashflow:
- FIND THE MARKET. It can be fact or fiction but make sure it’s a market that’s willing to buy. For instance, you may discover that millennials have a strong interest in romance novels or personal development. When you’re researching, you want it to be a wide market, not so niched or granular that only a small population have interest in. The more people, the better, for example, the pet care industry, which is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are books out there on how to care for your puppy, how to care for your aging dog, how to properly feed your puppy, or specifically how to raise a pit-bull, how to raise a poodle, and the variations go on. This can be applied in the markets of beauty care to meditation methods. For fiction, you can publish books that leave cliffhangers so that the reader will stay on edge to purchase the next release in the series. Find those markets where your prospects will continually want more and then supply the demand. Then, keep supplying great published content, making them a repeat customer.
- CREATE YOUR CONTENT. There are two essential ways to get this done. Of course, you can write it yourself. However, if you have no interest or desire in writing, no worries, you can opt to outsource the book project on such platforms as freelancer.com, upwork.com, or guru.com. There is no shortage of talent available, and you’ll be able to properly vet before making a selection. You’ll be amazed when you often find global freelance writers clamoring in the bidding process to pick up your project. It’s critically important to ensure your content is of high quality—whether self-authored or outsourced. At the end of the day, you want word-of-mouth, repeat buyers and good karma with what you’re releasing into the world. Content is still king, and it’s all about quality.
- PUBLISH YOUR CONTENT. You would simply go to Amazon’s platform—Kindle Direct Publishing at KDP.amazon.com and create a free account. When Amazon started over 20 years, its original marketplace was books, to become the largest bookstore. They developed the Kindle reader and later launched the Kindle app. Opening up the Kindle platform and making it available to the global masses was the ultimate game changer! Gone are the days of being rejected from publishing houses. Now anyone has the capability to self-publish with exposure to buying customers with over 500 hundred million active credit cards on file. There are over 38 countries that you can publish content to Amazon. You can sell books from $2.99 to $9.99 where Amazon keeps 30 percent and you get 70 percent. They made it easy, free, profitable, and rewarding with handsome royalties and placing you in front of a buying (paying) audience.
Learn more at www.KindleCashFlow.com
Grab your free gift, Kindle Publishing quick guide: www.KindleCashFlow.com/gift
About Ty at www.TyCohen.com