
Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council Announces Theme for 2021

MBE Magazine Staff
Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council logo

The Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council (GMSDC), the state of Georgia’s leading supplier diversity and small business development organization, has announced its strategic approach for 2021. This year, the GMSDC will build its programming, events and activities around the theme Opportunity Reimagined.

The COVID-19 pandemic, the associated economic downturn and a season of unrest tied to social justice issues have devastated Georgia’s business community. Small and minority businesses have been hit hardest, and many minority business owners are facing tough decisions that impact their business and those they employ. As the nation’s economy shows signs of recovery, the GMSDC has made the survival and sustainability of these companies the primary focus for 2021. 

The GMSDC President and CEO Stacey Key knows how critical this year will be. “In this climate, the most important resource we can provide to our constituents is a new opportunity,” said Key. “We are determined to see our community not just survive, but thrive, and we accomplish that by putting them to work. Our 2021 theme, Opportunity Reimagined, reflects the urgency of the task before us in these challenging times.”

Opportunity Reimagined speaks to the need for the business community to find more ways to do business together and reflects the requirement that everyone approach business from an entirely new perspective. The Council will be actively pursuing access to opportunities from corporate and governmental entities, to minority business enterprises and prime suppliers, while implementing innovative strategies like moving events to virtual platforms and deploying leading edge virtual meeting and conference technologies. This year, there will be a greater focus on training and development to help minority businesses take advantage of an opportunity. The tactical approach to the theme execution in 2021 stands on three pillars – Opportunity, Development and Technology. 

• Opportunity – Connecting the GMSDC’s MBEs to new opportunities through a diverse group of supply chain partners 
• Development – Ensuring that the GMSDC’s MBE community is razor sharp and corporate ready
• Technology – Utilizing technology to stay relevant and drive innovation 

For more than 45 years, the GMSDC has facilitated supply chain partnerships between Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) firms and Georgia corporations and governmental entities. Founded in 1975 by a small but progressive group of Georgia corporations who saw value in diversifying their supply chains, the GMSDC has brought together business partners who have created tens of thousands of jobs, exchanged billions of dollars in revenues and strengthened Georgia’s economy.  

The GMSDC is committed to leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the health and sustainability of Georgia’s minority business community. To learn more about Opportunity Reimagined or to get involved with the important work of the Council, visit




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