Little Aiden Press, announces the inaugural Self Ink It Awards, honoring excellence in self-publishing by BIPOC authors. The awards recognize the hard work of marginalized and underrepresented BIPOC authors and their contributions to the world of independent publishing.
Created in response to the lack of diversity in the publishing industry, the Self Ink It Awards are an initiative aimed at highlighting and celebrating self-published authors of color. For more than a year, Little Aiden Press has been working to highlight self-published authors of color, which has led to the creation of this awards program. The Self Ink It Awards will honor five winners, one in each of five categories (Children’s Picture Books, Early Reader Books, Middle-Grade Books, Best Book Cover Design, and Self Ink It Readers’ Choice Award). $250 cash prizes will be awarded to the winners.
Sabrina Wiggins, the founder of Little Aiden Press says “The Self-ink It Awards are our way of highlighting the talent of self-publishing BIPOC authors and giving them the exposure, they deserve. While there are many platforms for traditional publishing, not nearly enough is being done for self-published writers and I think it’s time that changes.”For complete details and entry to the Self Ink It Awards, visit www.selfinkit.com. The deadline for entries is February 28, 2022, and winners will be announced in August 2022.